martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


A hen always eats grains and cerales.
It eats all day. It does not eat during the night.
It gets together with other hens for a few hours.  It usually sleeps on its feet.  A hen sometimes walks     all day to find grains.   A hen does not have feeling. It does not laught. It does not cry.
Hen puts eggs. It puts two or three eggs during all day.
It lives in farm or in a house together with  cocks  and chickens.
Ana Laura Hernández Pertúz

3 comentarios:

  1. Me gusto mucho esta actividad y a la vez me pareció muy interesante ya que pudimos perfeccionar nuestro ingles y aprender sobre los animales

  2. ana laura que bien te quedo tu escrito, te felicito :)
