martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

the boa

They are animal solitary and night, the hidden day they pass among branches of you hoist them and they leave to hunt in the night. They eat lizards, birds of moderate size, bats, mongeese, rats and squirrels. He likes to climb in you hoist them to hunt their prey easily. Also low of you hoist them in search of water and she is a good swimmer. 
She lives in places with little quantity of water as deserts and savannas. The boas can also be in humid forests and cultivation lands. It is a reptilian animal. 
According to what they told me of the boas, they are since good mascots they usually are not aggressive with their owners and that to maintain one of them it is to maintain it in a good temperature obtained with some special focuses, also in n place humid and good space.
One can also say that is strange that an alive boa but of twenty years, although in captivity it can reach the thirty years with easiness.

Maria Fernanda López Avendaño #21

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